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Quantum, matter and Human nature.

Quantum computing, urges forward one of the hottest fields of research that will probably have an enormous impact on our ability to compute things in the future. Today, the behaviour of quanta, give us more questions than solutions. this difficulty can be walked through, meditated upon, and maybe provide us with new insights.

we have an opportunity to think freedom, through the quantum system. In a way, how nature computes.

Calculations of nature live where uncertainty, and what we call logic, operates simultaneously. And let's think, what does it mean about us, our human capabilities and behavior.

While standing on the differences between traditional computational technology and the quantum one, we can meet the difference between two possible descriptions of the human, one using the technologies of yesterday, in a way as metaphoric bridge (linear, binary, cause-and-effect driven, centralised thinking);

And one using the technologies of the future (works with probabilities, unpredictability, speed, super position). And maybe we can rethink freedom through this difference.

so, what is quantum ? Quanta are a measurement term, used to count the minimal amount of energy or matter whose change can be measured. Certain properties of the atomic world, such as position and speed and light emission, can sometimes only occur in specific, set amounts - they are quantized rather than continuous - from which the word quantum. For example, a photon of light is understood as a single ‘packet’ of energy, that can be generated or absorbed only as a whole (quantum). Though, what we perceive in the presence of many photons is a continuous ray of light.

Quantum and perception.

Almost 200 years before the term quantum was coined, the German mathematician and philosopher, gottfried wilhelm leibniz, says this : "the straight line is a curve, which every part of it, is similar to the whole..”

The meaning of this sentence for me is, that every tiny bit of matter, is a complete piece of information which is not necessarily completely similar to the others. But sometimes, those bits align in a similar pattern, and this allows us to see the appearance of a line,

We humans, need more "bits" of information, in order to see it as a straight line.

This connection between the dots holds as well some aspects of our limited understanding of reality, seeing one “bit” does not allow us to say it is a straight line (or to say anything about it). And even if we see a straight line, we need to remember it only depends on the specific pattern of the dots in a specific moment.

The difference between two ways of calculations

Classic computing basically works executing commands written in terms of either 0 or 1, it is binary. we have traditionally a CPU, Central Processing Unit, and the machine gets orders. It uses memory, stored as clearly defined values, for producing simple answers, and it executes equations and algorithms to compute more complex answers like weather forecast.

The quantum computer doesn't use this linear way between the dots, it doesn't have CPU and is not binary. But it calculates based on possible location of the particles or their patterns, on the whole spectrum of possible states and their combinations.

A particle from a quantum perspective can be at the same time in more than one place, this phenomenon is called superposition, it is a principle that quantum computing uses to expand probabilities, more options / results / ways of acting. And it does it much faster than supercomputers .

Yet quantum computing points us to important unresolved challenges:

in contrast to classical mechanics, within quantum mechanics performing a measurement on the system generally changes its state (the superposition of possible states collapses to a regular state). Why? The measurement create a change in behaviour . . (Sounds familiar?)

If so, how can we even see the movement of particles and understand something? Our traditional computing power today limits us, and the software or the codes are not yet tailored to this situation. That's why we can only get faster answers but no new insight.

Another important problem is that the dynamics involve probabilities, not certainties. The results from this gives more random answers. At the same time, it is imitating more accurately life. Yet how to choose between all the possible answers?

Wave function Particles and their behavior in quantum mechanics are described by a “wave function”, which represents the different probabilities of where could we find the particle at a given moment. We can say that every quantum is ‘free’ to be in multiple states, but together they create an unavoidable wave function describing probable behaviors.

Extrapolating by analogy to the social scale this ‘wave’ is in a way similar to the collective behavior of individuals. Each individual is relatively free while the social whole gives us an image of probable behaviours.

Yet as humans, we tend to use this ‘wave function’, rather than as a cloud of nonlinear possibilities, as a linear line with which we, as if, check cause and effect - (as in causative correlation of statements, i.e.: to be happy, I need to have money, and vice versa if i have money, it means I am successful and happy in life.

In our modern world, especially in western cultures, we use the linear line also as a tool that dictates social norms - “do not get out of line”.

Thinking of quanta, reminds us how culture is made of parts moving together. It can be so complex, that patterns emerge surprisingly also, and especially, when parts are not following any pre-defined line but find their own.

A different quantum principle is called entanglement. This describes how 2 or more particles can affect one another, even when very far. If we take this realization to the human world, it can help us think how for example the same thought may develop in different places in the world without any evident connection between the places.

Human Quanta

The relations between quantum computing and our human body, is that both are computing machines of nature, with abilities to create very complex realities.

But our classical thinking and computing power at the moment, gives us only a glimpse into it. For example, when a glacier fall to the ocean, we can see the result - a block of ice in the water. And not the overall process of Nature computations that brought to it (though we do have theories about it). We understand the reality only (or mostly) in the form of binary, yes or no, good or bad, happy or sad, limiting us to be unable to see the indefinite options on the spectrum between.

And with it, we can say that we are trapped in our language. If our language offers us binary options and propagate binary theories - “is it this or that?” “are you happy or not?” “do you agree or not?” - this is how we will think.

With our basic daily tools of description and communication we cannot compute a situation to finer levels of resolution.

So what can we say about the decisions we have to do??

We are (our conscious process) more a process of aggregation of micro calculations, similar to a pile of particles that create a wave, upon which we act. Similar to matter, which responds to forces (internal and external pressures) .

We are living quantum organisms, performing quantum computations, but consciously we use a language of linear cause and effect and of 0,1 binary patterns. We can give ourselves more options for action or thinking by exploring new processing and operative systems,

We can use imagination, And think about our quanta (micro-calculations) a bit as fractals, it's never linear. But when we look at it from a distance, we can recognize a pattern, and this pattern can be molded into a difference. There is a tension between the two scales of the micro and the macro, we can also describe this tension as the different behavior of objects in the classical physical world, versus in the quantum world.

and the tension between the two can set the grounds for our freedom. It can set free our tongues and eyes, free from the trap awaiting in a picture of generalisation.

We can operate our mind through alternative softwares, rather that the only ones placed there along thousand years of collective memory, structures of power and narratives.

Today, while the forces of nature become clearer to us, we can choose to use our innate ability to compute, in ways other than the one we constructed till here, and use more of the spectrum nature offers us.

If we do not collapse the wave, and find a way to let the particles run, to let the micro-computations aggregate, the difference might emerge.

A space of meditation is a good example to this.


Meditation reflections

After few seconds in quiet, the inertia of momentum in the mind, the habit who is trying to keep you busy, something wants to show you visuals..

it needs you to pick 1 or zero .. all the time..

Now, for a difference--

We can stay in a mode of not here and not there, to be observers… observe the quantum particles run their dance…:-)

swim a bit inside this wave function.

Do not to act and break the wave so fast.

It may give a stronger sense of awareness. to notice this chaos and not to stop the process of investigation.

The Laboratory of Intelligence Culture - Idan Goldberg

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Dec 25, 2019

will route for this:

" If we do not collapse the wave, and find a way to let the particles run, to let the micro-computations aggregate, the difference might emerge "

building metaphors properly works to bridge growth of capacity - where capacity here is a sort of 'size' of available space for computation, and indicates the ability to contain or sustain possibilities without having to explode/collapse to a known and well defined form (or pattern of behavior)which alts computation. Thus yes, eventually any waves collapses but can you hold it for long enough that a new option may appear in the roaring cloud...? nice!:)


Unknown member
Dec 23, 2019

One of my favorite sentences:

"We are living quantum organisms, performing quantum computations, but we use a language of linear cause and effect, of 0,1 binary patterns."

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